Saturday, 21 February 2009

Cigarillo: Exotic Fine and Flavour by Neos (3/10)

Well, once again we bring you a cigarillo by Neos, a Belgian manufacturer. Despite the name, we found these cigarillos to be neither fine, nor exotic, nor terribly flavourful. They have a definite added sweetness which is demonstrated not only by the sweet smoke, but the blackness of the ash. Quite amusingly, halfway through the smoke, which is dreadfully short, the cigarillo collapses between the fingers, which leads me to believe the only reason they were not deflated initially was due to the dry stiffness of the filler- as soon as the tar built up... squish. After this happens, the smoke gets quite hot and you know it's time to give it up... We don't recommend the Exotic Fine and Flavour by Neos, they're just not right... If you do find them and want to give them a go, it'll cost around £3 for 10.
  • Smoking Time: 2-4 minutes
  • Flavour: 4/10
  • Smoke Sweetness: 7/10
  • Tar (1=wet, 10=dry): 8/10
  • Value for Money: 3/10
  • Indulgence Factor: 2/10
  • Overall Rating: 3/10

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